Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency 1
The obligation of issuing energy certificates for existing buildings or their separately used units that are being sold, entered into force on the date of accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union.

The energy certificate is a document that establishes the building's energy class, presents energy performance characteristics of the building itself, and provides data on energy consumption, as well as data on condition of the building in respect to the energy efficiency. Energy certificate also contains a proposal on economically feasible measures for the improvement of the energy performance of the building in order to reduce energy consumption.

By saving energy and by using renewable energy sources we economize personal resources, while building's energy class can also affect its market value. Depending on the determined energy consumption, a building or facility is classified in one of the eight energy classes: A+, A, B, C, D, E, F or G.

As of 2012, the company Interkonzalting d.o.o. owns the highest level of authority - CAGES, which includes:
  • energy audits of buildings with complex technical systems, relating to the architectural and construction part, the electrical and mechanical engeneering part of the technical system of a building, as well as parts related to automatic regulation and control of the building's technical system.
  • energy certification of buildings with complex technical systems
  • energy audits and energy certification of the buildings with simple technical Systems

So far we have completed more than 1000 energy audits and have issued as many energy certificates. We have also developed ten energy renovation projects.

Energy efficiency in the building sector

The building sector accounts for around 40% of the total energy consumption, so energy efficiency of buildings, which means providing minimum energy consumption in order to achieve the optimum comfort of living and use of the building, is very important. Energy consumption of a building depends on its characteristics (shape and structural materials), installed energy systems (heating system, cooling system, ventilation, electrical devices and lighting used), as well as climatic conditions of the region where it is located.

In general, buildings in Croatia were built before 1987 and as such they do not have adequate thermal protection. As many as 83% of the buildings do not satisfy even the 1987 technical regulations, they have high heat losses with the average energy consumption ranging from 150 to 200 kWh/m2, which classifies them in energy efficiency class E! Increased energy consumption implies higher emissions of CO2 in the atmosphere and it is, therefore, essential to implement the required measures in order to reduce excessive consumption and streamline the utilisation of available energy generating products.

Energy performance of buildings comprises a number of different options for saving thermal energy and electricity, with more rational use of fossil fuels and application of renewable energy sources (RES) in buildings, wherever it is functionally feasible and economically justified. Thermal protection of buildings is one of the key aspects because of its high energy savings potential. By improving thermal insulation of the building, it is possible to reduce the total heat losses of the building from 30% to 60% on average.

Energy efficiency measures in the building sector:

  • Energy audit of the building and energy performance certificate (EPC) which shows the energy efficiency class of the whole building or part of the building;
  • Increasing thermal protection of the building (installing heat insulation and energy efficient windows and doors);
  • Increasing performance of the heating, cooling and ventilation systems;
  • Increasing performance of the lighting systems and electrical equipment;
  • Use of renewable energy sources.

The implementation of the measures for increasing energy efficiency in the building sector will result in lower energy consumption of the building and, at the same time, better comfort of living and performance of the Building.

Energy efficiency projects in industry

The share of industry in the total final energy consumption in Croatia in 2012 amounted to 17%, so it represents an important sector for energy savings, seeing as this percentage in 2007 was 22.5%. The recorded rate of reducing energy consumption in industry is 7.3% per year, and the trend of reduction is achieved in all industrial sectors. Unfortunately, these data are not the result of increased energy efficiency, but the result of recession and reduction in the scope of energy intensive industries.

Investment in energy efficiency measures enables the companies to streamline the costs and production processes, and to increase the competitiveness of products, while taking advantage of aid provided through the programmes of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund ( reduces investment costs and shortens the time and amount of payment. Moreover, sustainability of business operation indicates a socially responsible company that is exemplar of environmentally conscious business. Socially responsible operation involves a number of measures and procedures ensuring the optimum use of environmentally-friendly and energy efficient products.

Source and useful links:

Energy Efficiency Certificate 
Energy Efficiency Referencess